Sunday, 20 April 2014

Porsche 919 livery explained

The subtle, mostly grey and white Porsche 919 livery has been the subject of scrutiny and knitted brows. As far as the CA team are concerned the jury is still out. It really does look like a bit of a mess. The car actually looked better in our opinion when it was ‘camouflaged’..

Image : Porsche Motorsport

The way to understand it is to hire a hot air balloon or maybe a helicopter and hover above the car   and you will see how it works.

Image : Porsche Motorsport

Don’t panic you have not gone mad it does read PORS…INTELL..PERFO .. we did wonder if when you back a second car up to it will read PORSCHE.. INTELLIGENT.. PERFORMANCE or maybe simply make the race car twice as long.

Take a look at Club Arnage Forum thread "919 in race livery" for some other ideas ! 

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